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Working Sets

Getting to know Working Sets



Introducing Working Sets

Working Sets are a powerful way of saving a group of Workspace items such as diagrams and matrices so they can be re-opened as a set at a later time. This allows a modeler to switch between multiple tasks without losing the context of the items they are working on.

A Business Analyst will often work on a number of tasks simultaneously and each task will typically require the application of a number of techniques and tools including diagrams, matrices, documents and more. Working Sets allow a user to save groups of windows and diagrams they are working on as a set, giving the group a name so it can be easily recalled and the items opened as a set at a later time.

Where to find Working Sets

Ribbon: Start > View > Workspace > My Working Sets...

Usage of Working Sets

Working Sets can be used to store a group of items open in an Enterprise Architect workspace as a set that can be reopened at a later time. A typical scenario is that a Business Analyst is working on a particular task and has a number of relevant diagrams and matrices and documents open that define parts of a problem or solution for a particular initiative. Suddenly they receive an urgent request to complete an unrelated task. They could save the open items as a Working Set so that once the urgent matter had been attended to the group of items could be easily reopened.

Options for Working Sets

Working Sets allow a number of different items to be added to a set including:

  • Diagrams
  • Matrix Profiles
  • Searches
  • Team Library
  • Document Templates
  • Resource Documents

Any number of each type of item can be added to a Working Set and the contents of the set can be edited and diagrams can be located in the Project Browser.

There are a range of options available from the 'Working Set <name>' context menu including being able to make the working set available to other model users by choosing the 'Share' option.

Learn more about Working Sets

Working Sets