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Element Discussions

Getting to know Element Discussions



Introducing the Element Discussions

The Element Discussions facility allows modelers to have conversations about elements posting discussions and replying to exiting posts. The discussions for all elements in the model are conveniently listed in the Discussions Review window allowing a modeler to see all the elements with posts.

Where to find Element Discussions

To post or view an element's discussion

To view all discussions in the repository

Usage of Element Discussions

Element Discussions allow modelers to have conversations about elements without 'polluting' the element's notes with questions and modeling level comments such as 'Properties need to be added before the first release'. This feature brings the collaborative modeling platform alive where modelers can add informal discussions about elements emulating the discussions held in a physical workshop.

Options for the Element Discussions

The Discussion Review window has a number of options to tailor the discussions that are listed including defining the timeframe allowing older and perhaps less relevant discussions to be hidden.

Learn more about Element Discussions

Element Discussions