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Input Data

An InputData types to an ItemDefinition and carries value used for Decisions.



Simulate > DMN > Manage > DMN Expression, then select / create an InputData


Double-click on an DMN InputData

Toolbar Options



See also

Click on this button to save the configuration to the current InputData.

Click on this button to select a ItemDefinition as the type of this InputData.

Click on this button to open the ItemDefinition element that types this InputData.

Click on this button to open the dialog for editing data sets for this input data.

Each InputData can define multiple data sets. With this feature, the DMN Simulation can quickly test some decision's result by choosing from different data sets.

Click on this button to validate the InputData. EA will perform a series of validations to help the modeler to pickup errors in the InputData.

DMN Decision Table Validation

Auto Completion

If the typing ItemDefinition has defined Allowed Value, then the value for the InputData can be simply chosen from the enumerations.

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