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The GNU Debugger (GDB)

When debugging your applications you can use the GNU Debugger (GDB), which is portable and runs on Unix-like systems such as Linux, as well as on Windows. The GDB works for many programming languages including Ada, Java, C, C++ and Objective-C. Using the GDB, you can debug your applications either locally or remotely.


On the Execution Analyzer window, either:

  • Locate and double-click on the required script and select the 'Debug > Platform' page      or
  • Click on in the window Toolbar, select the Package in which to create a new script, and select the 'Debug > Platform' page


Code > Configure > Analyzer > Edit Analyzer Scripts

Execute > Run > Analyzer

Context Menu

Project Browser | Right-click on Package | Execution Analyzer

Keyboard Shortcuts


Set up the GNU Debugger



See also

Set up Script

An Analyzer Script is a basic requirement for debugging in Enterprise Architect; you create a script using the Execution Analyzer toolbar.

On the 'Platform' page of the Execution Analyzer Script Editor, in the 'Debugger' field click on the drop-down arrow and select 'GDB'.

Managing Analyzer Scripts

Define Connection Settings

The property panel displays a number of connection settings for which you provide values.

  • path - <path> - The complete file path of the GDB executable; you only specify this if the GDB cannot be found in the system path
  • source - <path>, <path> - The path in which the debugger will search for source files, if they do not reside in the executable directory.
  • remote - F - Set for remote debugging; otherwise leave blank.
  • port - <nnnnn> - The port to connect to on the remote server.
  • host - localhost - The host name to connect to.
  • fetch - T - Set to retrieve the binary from the remote system.
  • dumpgdb - <path> - The filename to write the GDB output to.
  • initpath - <path> - The complete file path to the gbinit file.


  • A requirement of the GDB is that your source code file path does not contain spaces; the debugger will not run correctly with spaces in the file path