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Print Preview

Before you print an Enterprise Architect diagram or document, you can display a preview of its output appearance.



> Print Preview

Publish > Diagram > Print > Preview

Document-Edit > File > File > Print Preview


  • The display initially shows the first two pages on one screen, with no scroll bar
  • To toggle between the two-page display and a single-page display, click on the button in the preview screen toolbar; in either mode, you can use the   and buttons in the toolbar to scroll through the pages of the diagram or document
  • To display more than two pages on one screen, up to a maximum of ten pages, click on the button in the Preview screen toolbar; the screen now includes the vertical scroll bar, which you can also use to scroll through the pages of the diagram
  • Having checked the preview, you can immediately print the diagram or document by clicking on the button; otherwise click on the Close button