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Notes on Creating Tables of Contents

A Table of Contents template defines the style, levels and numbering formats of a document report Table of Contents that a user can choose to apply to any kind of document report they are generating, in which case the Table of Contents template overrides any Table of Contents styles defined in the template or Normal.rtf file.

The simplest way to create a new Table of Contents is to copy one of the system-provided files (for portrait output or for landscape output) or another custom Tables of Contents, and edit the style definitions in the copy. However, you can create a Table of Contents from scratch if you prefer; this would be initially derived from the Normal.rtf file.


Use one of the methods outlined here to display the 'New Document Template' dialog and create the new Table of Contents template file.

After creating the new template file, edit the styles in the Document Template Designer using the 'Styles, Special Text and Table of Contents' facilities.


Publish > Tools > Document Templates :


In the Resources window, expand the 'Document Generation' folder, then:

  • Expand the 'User Templates' folder | right-click on Table of Contents | Create Template, or
  • Expand the 'System Templates' folder | Expand 'Table of Contents' folder | right-click on <table of contents name> | Copy

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