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Functions You Call

These are functions that Enterprise Architect provides for you to call.




See also

NewSearch(name, group, guid, taskcount)

Create a new search object to be included in WorkflowSearches.

Initialize each member.

Return Value: The created search

Workflow Data Structures You Fill

NewTask(name, conditioncount)

Create a new task object to be included in a search.

Initialize each member.

Return Value: The created task

NewCondition(column, operator, value)

Create a new condition object to be included in a task.

Initialize each member.

Return Value: The created condition

SetLastError(message, outputMethod)

Called on user input to these element properties:

  • Status
  • Phase
  • Version, and
  • Tagged Values

It logs and/or reports the provided message to the user. It can be called within the functions:

  • AllowPhaseUpdate
  • AllowStatusUpdate
  • AllowTagUpdate
  • AllowVersionUpdate
  • preAllowPhaseUpdate
  • preAllowStatusUpdate
  • preAllowTagUpdate
  • preAllowVersionUpdate

For example:

     public function AllowPhaseUpdate(OldValue, NewValue)

     AllowPhaseUpdate = false

     SetLastError "No updating to phase allowed", "messagebox"

     end function


  • message: Text
  • outputMethod: can be "messagebox", "statusbar" or "outputwindow"; this parameter is case sensitive

Return Value: The message