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MBSE solution
MBSE Tool Chain
iSpace-MBSE platform
iSpace functions
iSpace User Manual
Process guide
Videos & Articles
Three-dimensional management
Control simulation: Radar - light - fan
The video focuses on control simulation using the modeling tool (iSpace) : radar-light-fan.
Scenario simulation: Coordinated attack (tanks, infantry, drones, wireless)
The video focuses on using the Modeling tool (iSpace) for scenario simulation - coordinated attack (tank - infantry - drone - wireless).
Scenario simulation - Communication and interaction: Coordinated attack (tanks, infantry, drones)
The video focuses on scenario simulation using the Modeling tool (iSpace) - communication and interaction: coordinated attack (tanks, infantry, drones).
Data Traceability - simulation (using the modeling tool iSpace)
The video focuses on data traceability - simulation using the Modeling Tool (iSpace).
System Simulation ~VCU (using the modeling tool iSpace)
This video focuses on using the Modeling Tool (iSpace) for system simulation ~VCU.
Workflow simulation ~ Using the modeling tool iSpace
The video focuses on workflow simulation using the Modeling Tool (iSpace).
Multi-level system simulation ~ using the modeling tool iSpace
The video focuses on multi-level system simulation using the Modeling Tool (iSpace).
Requirements analysis process Guide
This video focuses on the process guide for establishing the Requirements Analyst role using iSpace.
Data model Export Data Dictionary (excel document)
The video mainly introduces the data model export data dictionary (excel document) built in iSpace.
DoDAF process guidelines and modeling tools
Because of the complexity of DoDAF, it is necessary to figure out the relationship between these models, and define clearly what role to establish what model in the entire architecture establishment process, which requires a tool for architecture process guidance for DoDAF. MBSE process support tool iSpace can help users establish DoDAF process guidance, describing three process views: Workflow, people roles, deliverables.
iSpace (MBSE Platform)
iSpace provides 3D modeling of MBSE, including: workflow, role model, artifact model. You can associate individual views: workflow activities with roles' responsibilities, instances of artifacts. This gives engineers a clear and complete understanding of MBSE from all three views.
iSpace class diagram modeling and code generation
This video focuses on MBSE (Model-based Systems Engineering).
Job Guide: Product Manager -iSpace Modeling
Product manager competency model built with ispace.
Product manager competency model   
Job Guide: Software Development Engineer -iSpace Modeling
Capability models for development engineers built with ispace.
Software development engineer competency model   
Ea-based MBSE toolchain
This video focuses on how to implement the MBSE toolchain based on EA.
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Model-based ASPICE
Use iSpace to model process guidance for ASPICE, the standard framework for software process improvement and capability assessment in the automotive space, which gives automotive development teams access to a reference framework for software processes, 8 process groups, 32 processes. ?
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Introduction to Nature Modeling Language (NML)
This video mainly introduces what NML is, why to build NML, what NML has, and NML modeling examples.
Data modeling by iSpace
This section describes the data modeling function of iSpace. In iSpace, a data model can be established and attributes can be reassigned. Taking shopping as an example, this section describes how to model.
DoDAF modeling tools
Two tools are available for model-based architecture modeling of DoDAF: process guide tool iSpace and architecture modeling tool EA.
Multi-person collaborative modeling using iSpace
As the MBSE platform, iSpace, combined with the modeling tool EA, supports full-cycle modeling from systems engineering to software engineering.
Article link   document download 
Establish process Guide Enterprise Architecture Design using iSpace
The video introduces Enterprise Architecture Design, a process guide for building with iSpace. ?
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iSpace process modeling and documentation generation
The video introduces the use of iSpace for process modeling and documentation of process guidance. ?
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iSpace's modeling extension mechanism
The video introduces the modeling extension mechanism of MBSE platform iSpace: instance reuse, stereotype, pattern library.
Requirements management based on iSpace
Use iSpace for requirements management of the model and use cases to illustrate.
Research and development management based on engineering data
The core work content of research and development is to first determine the requirements, and then design, implement and test on this basis, and deliver products that meet the requirements to users. In this process we care more about the artifact than the process. Because the process of all similar projects is basically the same, the engineering data generated by different needs of users (requirements description, design model, code, test data, product data) is completely different.

Article link   document download
Modeling of the MBSE project itself
The goal of MBSE (Model-based Systems Engineering) is to track and manage the entire system engineering work cycle based on the model.

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Model-based software quality evaluation
In iSpace, you can browse the quality model and evaluation indicators, create a quality view according to the evaluation indicators, and evaluate a evaluation object, which can be based on the evaluation object model established by Sys ML or UML, so that the evaluation is more accurate.

Article link   document download
Building Capability Models: Requirements Analysts using iSpace
Use iSpace to build Capability Model: Requirements Analyst, which mainly shows the process of requirements analysis through three views: workflow, people and artifacts.

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Building the Capability Model: Enterprise Architect using iSpace
Introduces the use of iSpace to build the Capability Model: Enterprise Architect.

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Document to model association trace
In order to enable document-to-model association from method to tool, we provide document-to-model association function in MBSE platform iSpace for document-to-model association tracking.

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Three-dimensional R&D management
Model-driven development through the close correlation of various models (requirements model, design model, code model, test model), can rigorously track the workpiece at each stage, and improve the overall quality of research and development. But the model is not isolated and needs to be presented to a general audience in the form of a document that tracks the development process in the form of structured data.

Article link   document download
MBSE process modeling
Use iSpace to create a process view of MBSE, including: workflows, roles, artifacts. The list view can be used to plan, track, and manage workflow tasks, role tasks, and artifact tasks.
Process view of MBSE
Use iSpace to describe MBSE's process view, including: workflows, roles, and artifacts. Manage the EA model as an artifact, providing a list view of objects that can be tracked and managed.
Requirements table and trace tree
The relationship of model elements can be analyzed by using iSpace to display the relationship of model elements through requirement table and trace tree.
Evaluation index and quality evaluation
iSpace is used to build a view of the evaluation indicators, and then the quality of the model artifacts can be reviewed and the quality evaluation report can be given.