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Model-based Quality Manager (inspector)
Author: Zu Tao (Dragon Fruit Technology)
Plug-in name Model-based quality manager -inspector
Plug-in function Quality management by visual model:
  • Quality modeling
  • Quality review
  • Quality report
  • use
  • Requirement quality review
  • Architecture quality review
  • Detailed design quality review
  • Code Quality Review
  • Test case quality review
  • This software is a plug-in of EA, with the following functions:
    Below is a screenshot of the model-based quality management interface:
    What is model-based quality review?
    It is to clarify the quality elements and their relations through the model to achieve accurate quality management. Through the visual modeling of quality management related elements, the guiding effect of quality can be improved, and the quality ability can be improved.
    What evaluation objects can model-based quality management cover?
    It can cover engineering objects of the full cycle of systems engineering and software engineering, including: requirements, architecture, design, code, and testing. As shown in the picture below:
    What does the mass model look like?
    The quality model displays the evaluated object and the corresponding quality index in a visual model, so that the quality relationship is clear at a glance. As shown in the picture below:
    The following are the modeling ranges of quality indicators supported by inspector, a model-based quality management tool:
    Example of model-based quality management
    The following is an example of a project code review to illustrate the model-based quality management process:
    1. Quality modeling
    2. Quality review
    3. Quality report
    1. Quality modeling
    The following is the quality modeling for code review, including:
  • code model
  • Evaluation index
  • The mapping between the two
    2. Quality review
    Below is a screenshot of the code review and quality report interface:
    The visual model is used to make the abstract and obscure quality work clear and clear.
    3. Quality report
    Users can count all the review results in a project:
  • review coverage
  • Pass rate
  • Problem distribution
  • The following diagram is a statistical view of the quality of a code review:
    The ability of model-based quality management to bring to users
    Through model-based quality management, the relationship between the various elements of quality can be clarified in a visual way, and the content of the more abstract quality work can be clarified, which can greatly promote the quality and efficiency of the quality management work itself.
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