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Tagged Value Types

When you are working with Tagged Values, you can create your own, custom, Tagged Values based on predefined, system-provided Tagged Value Types. With these, you can create:

  • Tagged Values that are complex and based on predefined types, with or without tag filters
  • Structured Tagged Values that are composite, containing other Tagged Values
  • Tagged Values that return values from the various reference data tables
  • Masked Tagged Values that insert user-provided data into a text string such as line of prompts or field names

By adding Tagged Values of any type to a Stereotype element in a Profile, you can define additional meta-information for the way in which a modeling element appears and behaves in a Technology. The Tagged Values are identified by attributes of the Stereotype element.


  • You can transport Tagged Value Type definitions between models, using the 'Configure > Model > Transfer > Export Reference Data' and 'Import Reference Data' ribbon options; Tagged Value Types are exported as Property Types

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