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Batch XMI Export

You can export a group of Controlled Packages to XMI in one step.



Publish > Model Exchange > Export XMI > Batch Export Controlled Packages

Export a group of Controlled Packages to XMI



See also


Open the 'Batch XMI Export' dialog using one of the access methods.


The 'Batch XMI Export' dialog lists all of the Controlled Packages in the current Project.

Select the checkbox against each Package to include in this export run.

Select the 'Select All' checkbox to select all Packages in the list.

Controlled Packages


Select the 'Restore Cross References Without Prompting' checkbox to automatically restore any missing cross-Package references without displaying a prompt.

Report Deletion of Cross-Package References


To save this configuration as the default, click on the Save Settings button.


Click on the Run Export button.

Enterprise Architect cycles through each checked Package and exports it using the options specified in the 'Package Control Options' dialog.

As long as a valid filename exists, Enterprise Architect exports the Package to XMI and proceeds to the next Package.

Configure Packages


  • The 'Restore Cross References Without Prompting' checkbox is enabled only if the option 'Report Cross Package Reference Deletions (XMI 1.1)' is set on the 'XML Specifications' page of the 'Preferences' dialog
  • The option is applicable only to XMI 1.1 Controlled Packages

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