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End Event

A BPMN 1.1 End Event indicates where a particular Process ends. Every Process in Enterprise Architect must end with an End Event.

BPEL Properties:

  • Double-click on the End Event in the BPEL diagram
  • Right-click on the End Event | BPEL | BPEL Properties




See also


Specify the name for the End Event.

Result Type

Select the type for the End Event, namely:

  • Cancel
  • Compensation
  • Error
  • Link
  • Message
  • Multiple
  • None
  • Signal
  • Terminate

Details Tab

Depending on the selected Result Type, the 'Details' tab changes as shown:

Compensation Result Type

  • Activity - Select a BPMN 1.1 Task from the list of all Activities in the Process

Error Trigger Type

  • Error Code - Specify the required error code

Message Result Type

  • Web Service - Select a BPMN 1.1 Web Service from the Package (in the SupportingElements Package) that represents one of the involved Participants
  • Message - Select a BPMN 1.1 Message from the list of Message(s) in the selected Web Service

Multiple Result Type

  • Events - Select additional BPMN 1.1 Start Events from the list of events in this Process that might trigger the Process, by clicking on the button


Select one or more Assignment elements created in the SupportingElements Package in this tab (Optional).

Assignment Create BPEL 1.1 Model Structure


Save the values entered in the dialog.


Discard the values entered in the dialog.


Display this Help topic.


Open the 'UML Properties' dialog.



  • Cancel, Link, None and Signal Event types cannot be mapped to BPEL 1.1