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Create BPEL 1.1 Model Structure

A BPEL 1.1 model consists of a BPEL Process (containing a BPEL diagram and mappable BPMN 1.1 constructs) and other supporting elements (like BPMN 1.1 Assignment, BPMN 1.1 Web Service) required for generating BPEL 1.1 code. A sample BPEL 1.1 Package structure can be created in the Project Browser, using the 'Select Model(s) (Model Wizard)' dialog. You can use this Package structure as a template for developing your BPEL Process.



Design > Package > Insert > Insert using Model Wizard

Context Menu

Project Browser | Right-click on Package | Add a Model using Wizard

Keyboard Shortcuts



Project Browser caption bar menu : New Model from Pattern

Create a new BPEL 1.1 Package structure as a starting point for developing a BPEL Process



See also


Select the root node or a Package in the Project Browser.


Click on the 'New Model from Pattern' drop-down menu option in the Project Browser header.

Project Browser Toolbar


Select the value BPMN 1.1 i n the Technology section.

Model Wizard


Check the option 'BPEL 1.1 Model' in the 'Name' section.


Click on the OK button to create the sample BPEL 1.1 Package structure.

Example BPEL 1.1 Package Structure:

The BPEL Process LoanApproval_Process acts as container for the BPEL diagram and elements. The SupportingElements Package contains supporting components like Assignments and Web Services.

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