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Financial Analysis

Formal financial analysis would typically be conducted outside of Enterprise Architect but less formal analysis can be recorded inside the repository. Either way, Enterprise Architect has tools that can assist in modeling the financial analysis information and relating it to other parts of the model such as solution options. An Artifact can be used as a placeholder for documents or web based information that resides outside the repository such as a Spreadsheet or a Word Process Document. A hyperlink can be used to provide quick access to the external file from within the model. The Document Artifact facility can be used to create a word processor document inside the repository and define the analysis with links to other parts of the model such as Components or other architectural elements that describe the solution options.


An Artifact can be used as a placeholder for a Financial Analysis file or web address such as a spreadsheet or document that resides external to the repository. The Artifact element can be hyper-linked to the external document allowing it to be launched from within Enterprise Architect. This provides a convenient way to reference the document inside the model for example by linking other elements such as Requirements to the document.

Learn More: Artifact

Document Artifact

A Document Artifact can be used to create Financial Analysis information, conveniently storing the document inside the repository. A template could be specified for the document, which could be reused for other initiatives. Other model elements that exemplify some aspect of the Financial Analysis, such as features and solution options, can be dragged into the document as links.

Learn More: Document Artifact