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Document Analysis

Document Analysis is supported in Enterprise Architect by a number of facilities, including the ability to represent or store the source documents inside the model, and being able to record the findings of the analysis and link them to the document sources. Enterprise Architect has a fully featured document editor built into the core product, which allows documents to be created directly in the tool or imported into the tool. The document can also be represented as a document element inside the model, which can be linked to a document (or URL) that lives outside the model. The information and insight gained in the analysis can be linked to the documents and presented visually or in documentation.

This section lists the main tools available in Enterprise Architect that can be used to perform this business analysis technique. There is also a wide range of additional tools that a modeler might find suitable when applying the technique in a particular context. The complete list of tools is available from the topic Business Modeling Tools.

Maintenance Items

When analyzing a Document Maintenance items can be used to record a variety of items including Defects, Changes, Issues, Tasks, Decisions and Events. These Items can be added to an Artifact or any other element that represents the document being analyzed. Applicable metadata can be stored against each item including its Name, Description, Status, Priority, who it was Raised by, Completion details and more.

Learn More: Maintenance Items


The documents that need to be analyzed will typically be stored in a file system or in an external document repository. An Artifact can be used as a placeholder (or proxy) for the document that is being analyzed and the external document can be launched from Enterprise Architect regardless of its location. This is a powerful mechanism that allows Discussions or Maintenance Items to be added to the element effectively recording the document analysis in the Enterprise Architect Repository along with the other modeling elements such as Requirements, Business Rules, System Components and more.

Learn More: Artifact

Document Artifact

The Document Artifact provides a location to record analysis, discussions and comments about the document under analysis. The documents that need to be analyzed will typically be stored in a file system or in an external document repository. A Document Artifact can be used as a placeholder (or proxy) for the document that is being analyzed and the external document can be launched from Enterprise Architect regardless of its location. The Document Artifact also has a word processor file where structured analysis can be written.

Learn More: Document Artifact

Element Discussions

The Collaborate window is a useful tool for adding discussions or comments about a document. This could be used in conjunction with the Artifact element that represents the external document to be analyzed. It is a convenient facility that allows commentary to be made on elements without contaminating the notes with discussions that ultimately don't contribute to the integrity of the model. A Discussions summary window conveniently displays the Discussions for all elements in the repository.

Learn More: Informal Discussions