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Advanced Connector Management Options

The 'Advanced' section of the connector context menu provides a number of options.

Menu Options



See also

Change Type

Change the connector type.

Change the connector type

Change Direction

Keep the ends of the connector the same but change the direction setting. There are four options:

  • Unspecified
  • Source -> Destination
  • Destination -> Source
  • Bi-Directional

Reverse Direction

Reverse the ends of the connector; for example, if the connector is an arrow, the arrowhead swaps to the other end.

This command maintains the direction of the connector (such as Source -> Destination).

Set Source and Target

Change the source and/or target of the connector.

Change the source and/or target

Specialize Associations

Specify how the properties of this Association specialize the properties of other Associations.

Set Association Specializations

Information Items Conveyed

Add information items to an Information Flow connector.

Information Item Conveyed Information Flow

Information Flows Realized

Realize any information items conveyed on an Information Flow connector between two elements.

Information Item Realized

Generalization Set

Click on the 'New' option to create a Generalization Set, which enables you to specify the relationship of a group of Generalizations. Each Generalization is a binary relationship that relates a specific Classifier to a more general Classifier (for example, from a Class to its Superclasses). Each Generalization Set defines a particular set of Generalization relationships that describe the way in which a general Classifier (or superclass) can be divided using specific subtypes.

Creating Generalization Sets

Dependency Stereotypes

Select a stereotype for the Dependency (or Trace, Role Binding, Occurrence or Represents connector).

Extension Points

On an Extend connector between two Use Cases, provides options to:

  • Specify which Extension Point (if any) in the target Use Case the connector and its source Use Case relate to
  • Show or hide the Note element that identifies the defined Extension Point


  • Context menus vary slightly between connector types, and not all menu options are present on all connector context menus; the type-specific menu options are not always included