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System Documents

As well as tailoring the output generated from standard or custom report templates, you can generate a number of pre-set reports that are each provided to meet a specific modeling requirement.

Pre-set Reports


See also

Testing Details report - extracts the test details for all elements in the selected Package hierarchy that have test items lodged against them.

Testing Details Report

Implementation Details Report - lists, for a specified Package, the elements that require implementation, together with any source elements in Realize (Implements) relationships with those elements.

Implementation Details Report

Dependency Details Report - shows a list of any elements that are dependent on (having a Dependency connector to) another element for their specification.

Dependency Details Report

Maintenance Report - extracts the maintenance details for all elements in the selected Package hierarchy that have maintenance items lodged against them.

Maintenance Report

Diagrams Only Report - lists only the diagrams from the target Package.

Diagrams Only Report

Resource Report -  shows how your resources are deployed in your project, displaying a list of all elements that have resources allocated to them.

Resource Report

Testing Report - outputs the test scripts and results you have entered against elements in the model.

Testing Report