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Export to XMI

You use the 'Export Package to XMI' dialog to export a Package from your model to a file in one of several XMI (XML-based) formats. The dialog, by default, allows exporting to either XMI 1.1 or XMI 2.1. The exported XMI file contains all the information required for completely round-tripping the Package within Enterprise Architect; that is, performing Enterprise Architect-to-Enterprise Architect transfers.


Select a Package in the Project Browser, then:


Publish > Model Exchange > Export XMI > Export XMI for Current Package

Context Menu

Right-click on Package > Import/Export > Export Package to XMI file

Keyboard Shortcuts


Export a Package to an XMI file



See also


Displays the name of the currently-selected Package.

If this is not the required Package, click on the button and select the correct Package.


Type in the file path of the XMI file to be generated, or click on the button and browse for the location.

Export Type

  • 'XMI 1.1' - Select this option to export the selected Package to XMI 1.1
  • 'XMI 2.1' - Select this option to export the selected Package to XMI 2.1
  • 'Publish' - Click on this button to open the 'Publish Model Package' dialog for exporting to other versions of XML

Publish Model Package

Generate Merge file using Baseline Version

This option is enabled when:

  • 'Export Type' is set to 'XMI 1.1' and
  • The selected Package has a baseline

Click on the button to open the 'Baselines' dialog and select the baseline.

Once the export is complete, the merge file will be generated by comparing the selected Package with the selected baseline. The merge file will be generated in the same location as the XMI file, with the same name as the XMI file but with the suffix _Merge.xml.

This file is used to merge the contents of a Package with that of the XMI file, using the 'Merge Package with XMI' dialog.

Manage Baselines Merge Package with XMI

View XMI

Click on this button to view the exported XMI file.


Click on this button to initiate the XMI export.


Click on this button to close this dialog.


Click on this button to display this Help topic.


Monitor the progress of the XMI Export.


  • In the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have 'Export XMI' permission to export to XMI
  • Alternative Images used in the Package being exported are not included in the exported XMI file, unless the 'Export Alternate Images' option is selected in the 'XML Specifications' section of the 'Preferences' dialog
  • The Log file for the Package being exported is not generated unless the 'Write Log' option is selected in the 'XML Specifications' section of the 'Preferences' dialog
  • XMI 2.1 exported by Enterprise Architect 7.0 (or later) might not be correctly imported into earlier versions of Enterprise Architect

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