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Model Validation

The Zachman Framework Add-In registers with Enterprise Architect to receive model validation requests from users.

Configure Model Validation

To configure Enterprise Architect to perform Zachman Framework model validation, select:

  • 'Design > Package > Edit > Validation > Configure Validation Rules'

The 'Model Validation Configuration' dialog displays.

To perform validation on Zachman Framework models only, click on the Select None button and then click on the checkbox for 'Zachman Framework (ZF) Rules'. Click on the OK button.

Validate Zachman Framework Model

You can validate, against the Zachman Framework rules:

  • An element and any connectors attached to it
  • A diagram and all its elements, or
  • A Package and all its diagrams and elements

To do this, click on the element, diagram or Package and then select:

  • 'Design > Package > Edit > Validation > Validate Current Package'

The 'Model Validation status' dialog displays, showing the progress of the validation.

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