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Validation Messages for Connectors

These error messages can be output by the validation of a Zachman Framework connector.



Diagram and Message

See also


Data Map

Message: DataMap Association must have a valid source element

Meaning: An Association has a source element other than Principal Entity, Structure Entity or Intersecting Entity.


Data Map

Message: DataMap Association must have a valid target element

Meaning: An Association has a target element other than Principal Entity, Structure Entity or Intersecting Entity.


Data Map

Message: Possibility of an Intersecting entity < name> which might represent a Potential Business Process exists – This is a warning message.

Meaning: An Association has a many-to-many relationship, informing that the relationship could be normalized.

Strategy Link

Strategy Map

Message: StrategyMap Association must have a valid source element

Meaning: A Strategy Link has a source element other than Strategy and Goal.

Strategy Link

Strategy Map

Message: StrategyMap Association must have a valid target element

Meaning: A Strategy Link has a target element other than Strategy and Goal.