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Design a New Dialog

Creating a new win32 dialog is easy and mostly visual. You will probably need a workspace that shows:

  • The new diagram (select the 'Design > Diagram > Insert > User Interface - Win32 > User Interface - Win32' ribbon path)
  • The Win32 User Interface Toolbox (select the 'Design > Diagram > Tooolbox' ribbon option) and
  • The Tagged Values window (Ctrl+Shift+6)

The UI Toolbox

All of the common RC elements can be found on the UI toolbox

The Tagged Values Window

This window is where all the properties of a control can be viewed and edited.

Using the Picture Control

Images from your model (see Image Manager) can be applied by selecting the control on the dialog and pressing Ctrl+Shift+W. You might have to enter the value of the resource ID in the appropriate Tagged Value.

Learn More


  • You can copy and paste dialog Packages