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Set the Database Type

The most important property to set for a Database Table (after its name) is the database type or DBMS. The DBMS value selected will control how Enterprise Architect will determine:

  • How the Table name will be shown (with or without an Owner)
  • What set of validation rules will be applied while database modeling
  • The data types that are available when creating columns,
  • What set of DDL templates will be used in DDL Generation


Select a Table in the Project Browser or on a diagram then, using any of the methods outlined here, open the Table's 'Properties' dialog, display the 'General' tab, then display the 'Main' child tab.


Design > Element > Properties > Properties Dialog > General > Main

Context Menu

Right-click on the Table element | Properties |Special Action| Main

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+Enter | General | Main


Double-click on the Table element |General | Main




See also


Click on the drop-down button and select the required database type from the list.


Click on the Apply button to save any pending changes.


Click on the OK button to save any pending changes and close the screen.

Learn more