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Import a Directory Structure

You can import from all source files in a complete directory structure, which enables you to import or synchronize multiple files in a directory tree in one pass.

Enterprise Architect creates the necessary Packages and diagrams during the import process.



Code > Import > File > Import Source Directory

Keyboard Shortcuts


Import a directory structure, using the 'Import Source Directory' dialog



See also


Select the options you require; you can configure:

  • The source directory
  • The source type
  • The file extensions to look at
  • Whether to recurse sub directories
  • Whether to create a diagram for each Package
  • Whether to import additional files as described in the 'Import Component Types' dialog
  • Whether to exclude private members from libraries being imported from the model
  • Whether to Synchronize or Overwrite existing Classes when found; if a model Class is found matching the one in code:
         -  'Synchronize' updates the model Class to include the details
            from the one in code, which preserves information not
            represented in code, such as the location of Classes in diagrams
         -  'Overwrite' deletes the model Class and generates a new one
            from code, which deletes and does not replace the additional
  • Whether to create a Package for every directory, namespace or file; this might be restricted depending on the source type selected
  • How to handle Classes not found during the import (prompt for action enables you to review Classes individually)
  • What is shown on diagrams created by the import
Classes not found during Import


Click on the OK button to start.