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Import Projects

Enterprise Architect provides support for importing software projects authored in Visual Studio, Mono, Eclipse and NetBeans. Importing projects has multiple benefits, not least the immediate access to Enterprise Architect's renowned modeling tools and management features, but importantly development tools such as simulation, debugging and profiling.



Code > Import > Project

Import Options

Prompt for Missing Macro Definitions

For C++ projects the parser may encounter unrecognized macros. If you select this option, you will be prompted when such an event occurs and have the opportunity to define the macro. If you do not select this option, the resultant class model may be missing certain items.

Create Diagram for Each Package

When selected, a class diagram is created depicting the class model for each Package. The result is a larger but more colorful model. Deselecting this option will the cause diagram creation to be skipped and the import to run faster.

Generate Analyzer Scripts

Selecting this option will generate Analyzer Scripts for each project configuration in addition to scripts for each Solution configuration. The scripts will allow for building and debugging the program(s) described by the solution immediately after the import completes. Note: Select the Windows platform. If you do not select this option no Execution Analyzer features will be configured.

Startup Project

When this is selected, this script for this Project will become the model default. The Execution Analyzer Ribbon and Toolbars buttons will automatically target this program.

Import Visual Studio Solution

This option allows you to import one or more projects from an existing Visual Studio Solution file or running instance of Visual Studio. The dialog that is presented has some options .

Import Mono Solution

This option allows you to import Mono projects from a solution file.  The Dialog that is presented is the same as the Visual Studio Import Dialog, but you can choose to target either Linux or Windows. The wizard will generate a class model for each of the projects and configure them for debugging.

Import Options

Find and Select the Solution File.

The Mono Solution files have a .sln file extension the same as Visual Studio.

Select the Projects to Import

After the solution is selected, the projects in the solution are displayed. Select the Projects in the  list that should be imported by the wizard.

Prompt for Missing Macros

Not applicable.

Create Diagram for Each Package

When selected, a class diagram is created depicting the class model for each Package. The result is a larger but more colorful model. Deselecting this option will the cause diagram creation to be skipped and the import to run faster.

Generate Analyzer Scripts

This option allows you to target either Linux or Windows. If you select Linux, it is assumed the machine on which EA is running is Linux, that Mono is installed there and that the compiled programs run on Linux.

Startup Project

Selecting the Startup project means that the debugging tools will be set to target that program by default.

Import Eclipse Project

The Eclipse wizard can reverse engineer a Java project described by it's Eclipse  .project file and ANT build. The feature will result in a UML class model and Analyzer Scripts for each of the ANT targets you select. The process will also generate a script for each debug protocol you select during the wizard. You will be presented with the choice of JDWP (Java Debug Wire Protocol) good for servers, and JVMTI (Java Virtual Machine Tools Interface) which is suited to standalone Java applications. These scripts should be used for debugging the project in EA.

Import NetBeans Project

The  NetBeans wizard  can reverse engineer a Java project described by a NetBeans XML project file and ANT build. The wizard will create a UML class model of the project and Analyzer Scripts for each of the ANT targets you select.  The process will also generate a script for each debug protocol you select during the wizard. These scripts should be used for debugging the project in EA. You will be presented with the choice of JDWP (Java Debug Wire Protocol) good for servers, and JVMTI (Java Virtual Machine Tools Interface) which is suited to standalone Java applications