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Decision Models

Enterprise Architect provides the Decision Tables facility, as a simple method of applying Decision Modeling and Notation (DMN) to model how a decision is made, and generate code for the decisions.

For more extensive and complete implementation of the Decision Model and Notation (DMN) standard in Enterprise Architect, see the DMN Modeling and Simulation section of the Help.

This example illustrates how you could model a decision on an insurance Risk Rating based on the applicant's age and medical history.

On the diagram containing the Activity or Action element that owns the table, you can replace the element shape with the Decision Table itself, showing the rules as either columns or rows. You specify the table format, or whether to redisplay the element shape, using options on the element context menu.



Design > Impact > Decisions > Manage Decisions

Context Menu

On a diagram:

  • Right-click on Activity element | Simple Decision Table | Decision Table or
  • Right-click on Action element | Simple Decision Table | Decision Table


  • The Decision Tables facility is available in the Unified and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect

Learn more