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Business Logistics Toolbox Pages

Business Logistics Toolbox



Branch Office

Models a Business Location as a Branch Office.

Client Place

Models a Business Location as a Client Place.

Head Quarters

Models a Business Location as a Head Quarters.

Business Location

Models the location from which the business operates.

Office Block

Models a Business Location as an Office Block.

Sales Agent

Models a Business Location as a Sales Agent.


Models a Business Location as a Supplier.


Indicates that a business location communicates directly with another business location.


Indicates that the means of communication is the World Wide Web.

Snail Mail

Indicates that the means of communication is the postal system or courier services.


Indicates that the means of communication is the telephone.

In Person

Indicates that the means of communication is direct person-to-person.


Indicates that the means of communication is the local intranet or WAN.


  • Elements and connectors common to Enterprise Architect UML and Extended diagrams are documented in the Diagram Toolbox section