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Architecture Development Method Toolbox Pages

Architecture Development Method (ADM) elements are used to define and model the TOGAF specific primitives in all the phases of ADM. You use them to define the scope of the architecture.

Architecture Development Method Toolbox



Architecture Vision

Articulates a vision that enables the business goals, responds to the strategic drivers, conforms with the principles, and addresses the stakeholder concerns and objectives.

Tagged Values – ID, Scope, Version

Architecture Board

Captures the definition for a cross-organization Architecture Board. This is a key element in a successful architecture governance strategy, to oversee the implementation of the strategy.

This body should be representative of all the key stakeholders in the architecture, and typically comprises a group of executives responsible for the review and maintenance of the overall architecture.

Tagged Values – ID, Authority Limits, Responsibilities

Baseline Architecture

Captures the very high-level definitions of the baseline environment from the perspective of business information systems and technology. The scope and level of detail to be defined depends on the extent to which existing architecture elements are likely to be carried over into the Target Architecture.

Tagged Values – ID, Type, Version

Target Architecture

Captures the very high-level definitions of the target environment, from the perspective of business information systems and technology.

Tagged Values – ID, Type, Version

Framework Definition

Provides a textual description of the Framework.

Tagged Values – ID, Version

Request for Architecture Work

Captures the information for the Request for Architecture Work, a major input for the ADM phases.

This element is designed as a Document Artifact. On creating a new element of this type, double-click on the element to open the linked document and select the 'TOGAF - Request for Architecture Work' template from the list of templates available for the 'Copy Template' option.

Tagged Values – ID, Architecturing Organization, Sponsoring Organization

Statement of Architecture Work

Captures the information for the Statement of Architecture Work, a major output for the ADM phases.

This element is designed as a Document Artifact. On creating a new element of this type, double-click on the element to open the linked document and select the 'TOGAF – Statement of Architecture Work' template from the list of templates available for the 'Copy Template' option.

Tagged Values – ID, Version


Captures the information on a product produced by the enterprise.

Tagged Value – ID

Work Package

Defines a set of actions that achieve one or more objectives for the business. A work Package can be a part of a project, a complete project, or a program.

Tagged Values – CapabilityDelivered, WorkPackageCategory, ID, Source, Owner


Captures the information to define a planned endeavor undertaken to create a product or service.

Tagged Values – ID, FutureDirections, Introduction, ProjectDevelopment, Process Overview, References, Target Architecture(s) Mapping

Business Driver

Defines the business driver in the 'Name' field.

Tagged Values – ID, Version

Business Scenario

Identifies and clarifies business needs, and thereby derives the business requirements that the architecture development has to address. Creating a business scenario involves these steps:

  1. Identifying, documenting, and ranking the problem driving the scenario.
  2. Identifying the business and technical environment of the scenario and documenting it in scenario models.
  3. Identifying and documenting desired objectives.
  4. Identifying the human actors (participants) and their place in the business model.
  5. Identifying computer actors (computing elements) and their place in the technology model.
  6. Identifying and documenting roles, responsibilities, and measures of success per actor; documenting the required scripts per actor, and the results of handling the situation.
  7. Checking for 'fitness-for-purpose' and refining only if necessary.

A linked document template for Business Scenarios is provided by the Technology. To use the template, right-click on the element and select the 'Edit Linked Document' menu option. Select 'TOGAF – Business Scenario/Architecture Vision' for the 'Copy template' option.

Tagged Value – ID

Business Entity

A generic element that captures enterprise resources.

Tagged Values – ID, Description


Captures what is to be achieved by the enterprise, with specifications defined by the Tagged Values.

Tagged Values – Assumption, Critical Success Factor, Goal Type, ID, Key Performance Indicator, Measure, Unit Responsible, Opportunity, Strength, Threat, Weakness


Captures the attainable, time-targeted, and measurable target that the enterprise seeks to meet in order to achieve its goals.

Tagged Value – ID


Captures the strategy statements for the business plan.

Tagged Values – Action Plan, Estimated Budget, Estimated Time Period, ID, Measure, Target Value

IT Governance Strategy

Defines the strategy statement for IT governance.

Tagged Values – ID, Version


Defines and guides the organization, for the use of all assets and resources across the enterprise. Each Principle should be linked to the relevant business objective and key architecture drivers.

Tagged Values – ID, Implications, Rationale, Statement, Type, Version


Captures the Guidelines governing the enterprise and its functions, by providing guidance on the optimal ways to carry out design or implementation activities.

Tagged Value – ID


Captures the enterprise resources that could be estimated for value.

Tagged Values – ID, AssetValue, Description

Document Asset

A subtype of Asset that captures the important document resources of the enterprise.

Tagged Values – ID, AssetValue, Description

Equipment Asset

A subtype of Asset that captures the equipment resources of the enterprise.

Tagged Values – ID, AssetValue, Description


Captures summary views of the Architecture Landscape (that is, the state of the enterprise) at particular points in time.

Tagged Values – ID, Category, Source, Owner, Subject Matter, View Point, Level Of Detail, Level Of Abstraction, Accuracy, Version, Maturity


Captures the summary views of a solution in place for a specific architecture.

Tagged Values – ID, Category, Source, Owner, Subject Matter, Time, Volatility, Version, Maturity

Architecture Building Block

(ABB) Relates to the Architecture Continuum, and is defined or selected as a result of the application of the ADM.

Tagged Values – ID, Description, Owning Organization, Rationale, ServicePortfolio

Solutions Building Block

(SBB) Relates to the Solutions Continuum, and can be either procured or developed.

Tagged Values – ID, Description, Supplier Organization