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Correcting Words

As a spell check progresses, Enterprise Architect highlights any errors or unknown words in the 'Check Spelling' dialog. The inbuilt spell check stores user-defined words in the user dictionary (%APPDATA%\Sparx Systems\EA\userdic.tlx). During the spell check process, if you add a word, it is written into this file for later reference. While the spell check is in progress you can:

  • Correct the spelling of a word
  • Ignore the error
  • Add the word to the user dictionary
  • Suggest alternatives or
  • Otherwise assist in the spelling correction process

Correct spelling

As the Spell Checker identifies possibly mis-spelled words, make the appropriate response:


See also

  • Modify the spelling by hand and click on the Change or Change All button to change the word to that spelling
  • Click on a suggested alternative and click on the Change or Change All button to change the word to that spelling
  • Click on the Ignore or Ignore All button to exclude the word from the spell check
  • Click on the Add button to add the word to the user dictionary
  • Click on the Suggest button to list alternative spellings or words
  • Click on the Cancel button to abort the spell check entirely