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Import UML Profiles Into the Resources Window

Profiles exist as XML files, which can be imported into any project to provide tailored modeling structures for specific domains. A number of Profile XML files are available to you on the Sparx Systems website, for importing into your models. You can also import Profile XML files that you have created yourself. If a Profile includes references to any metafiles, copy these metafiles into the same directory as the Profile XML file.



Start > Explore > Browse > Resources > right-click on 'UML Profiles' folder > Import Profile

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+6 | Right-click on 'UML Profiles' folder | Import Profile

Import a Profile



See also


Click on the button and locate the XML Profile file to import.


Element Size

Select the checkbox to import the element size attributes for all stereotypes defined in the Profile.

Color and Appearance

Select the checkbox to import the color (background, border and font) and appearance (border thickness) attributes for all stereotypes defined in the Profile.

Alternate Image

Select the checkbox to import the metafile image for all stereotypes defined in the Profile.

Code Templates

Select the checkbox to import the code templates, if they exist, for all stereotypes defined in the Profile.

Overwrite Existing Templates

Select the checkbox to overwrite any existing code templates defined in the current project, for all stereotypes defined in the Profile.


Click on this button to add the Profile to the UML Profiles folder.

If the Profile already exists, a prompt displays for you to overwrite the existing version and import the new one.

When the import is complete, the Profile is ready to use.

Add Profile Objects to a Diagram

Learn more