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Replace or Delete Linked Documents

If a Linked Document is out of date you can edit the text, or you can:

  • Delete the content and replace it from another file, or
  • Delete the document altogether


Click on the element that contains the Linked Document.


Start > Explore > Properties > Linked Document  or

Show > Portals > Window > Document > Linked Document

The Document Window opens at the 'Linked Document' tab, showing the Linked Document on the element.

Delete the linked document



See also


Click on the icon in the top left of the window, and select the 'Delete Linked Document' option at the end of the menu.


A prompt displays for you to confirm the deletion; click on the Yes button.


The 'Linked Document' tab of the Document window is cleared, and the A symbol on the element in any diagram is removed. You can now import or create content for another Linked Document on that element, select a different element, or close the Document window and/or move on to other work.

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