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Supported Win32 UI Controls

This table identifies all of the Win32 UI Controls available in Enterprise Architect for user interface design and simulation.



Design > Diagram > Toolbox : > Specify 'User Interface - Win32' in the 'Find Toolbox Item' dialog

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Alt+5 : > Specify 'User Interface - Win32' in the 'Find Toolbox Item' dialog

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Win32 UI Controls




Button controls are a common way to allow user interaction during runtime; for example, an OK button in a login screen. A Button can respond to a click event, defined by adding an 'OnClick' Tagged Value.

In response to a click event, a button can be used to, for example, send a signal, causing a trigger to fire during runtime.

Customizable design properties:

  • Client Edge
  • Default Button
  • Disabled
  • Flat
  • Horizontal Alignment
  • Modal Frame
  • Multiline
  • Right Align Text
  • Right To Left Reading Order
  • Static Edge
  • Tabstop
  • Transparent
  • Vertical Alignment
  • Visible

Tagged Values:

  • OnClick – specifies a JavaScript command to be executed in response to a click event on this Button


  • Enable
  • Show
  • Text


  • MoveTo

Check Box

Customizable design properties:

  • Auto
  • Client Edge
  • Disabled
  • Flat
  • Horizontal Alignment
  • Left Text
  • Modal Frame
  • Multiline
  • Right Align Text
  • Right To Left Reading Order
  • Static Edge
  • Tabstop
  • Vertical Alignment
  • Visible

Tagged Values:

  • OnCheck – specifies a JavaScript command to be executed in response to a change in the value of this checkbox


  • Checker – integer value [0|1]
  • Enable
  • Show
  • Text

Combo Box

Customizable design properties:

  • Auto
  • Client Edge
  • Data – semi-colon delimited string of values to populate the combo box at runtime; for example, "yes;no;maybe"
  • Disabled
  • Has Strings
  • Lowercase
  • Modal Frame
  • Right Align Text
  • Right To Left Reading Order
  • Sort
  • Static Edge
  • Tabstop
  • Type
  • Uppercase
  • Vertical Scroll
  • Visible


  • AddString (string)
  • DeleteAll ()
  • DeleteItem (number) – delete item at specified index
  • DeleteString (string) – deletes all items matching string
  • GetCount ()
  • GetString (number)
  • InsertItem (number, string)
  • InsertString (number, string)
  • SetString (number, string)


  • Enable
  • Selection – index of the currently selected item
  • Show


Customizable design properties:

  • Absolute Align
  • Application Window
  • Border - Resizing or Dialog Frame only
  • Center
  • Client Edge
  • Center Mouse
  • Clip Siblings
  • Disabled
  • Horizontal Scrollbar
  • Left Scrollbar
  • Local Edit
  • Maximize Box
  • Minimise Box
  • No Activate
  • Overlapped Window
  • Palette Window
  • Right Align Text
  • Right To Left Reading Order
  • Set Foreground
  • System Menu
  • System Modal
  • Title Bar
  • Tool Window
  • Topmost
  • Transparent
  • Vertical Scrollbar
  • Visible
  • Window Edge


  • Enable
  • Show
  • Text


  • MoveTo

Edit Control / Rich Edit Control

Customizable design properties

  • Align Text
  • Auto HScroll
  • Auto VScroll
  • Border
  • Client Edge
  • Disabled
  • Lowercase (Edit Control only)
  • Modal Frame
  • Multiline
  • Number
  • Password
  • Read Only
  • Right Align Text
  • Right To Left Reading Order
  • Static Edge
  • Tabstop
  • Transparent
  • Uppercase (Edit Control only)
  • Visible
  • Want Return


  • Enable
  • Show
  • Text

Group Box

Customizable design properties:

  • Client Edge
  • Disabled
  • Flat
  • Horizontal Alignment
  • Modal Frame
  • Right Align Text
  • Static Edge
  • Tabstop
  • Visible


  • Enable
  • Show
  • Text

List Box

Customizable design properties:

  • Border
  • Client Edge
  • Disable No Scroll
  • Disabled
  • Left Scrollbar
  • Modal Frame
  • Right Align Text
  • Selection
  • Sort
  • Static Edge
  • Tabstop
  • Vertical Scroll
  • Visible


  • AddString (string)
  • DeleteAll ()
  • DeleteItem (number) – delete item at specified index
  • DeleteString (string) – deletes all items matching string
  • GetCount ()
  • GetString (number)
  • InsertItem (number, string)
  • InsertString (number, string)
  • SetString (number, string)


  • Enable
  • Selection – index of the currently selected item
  • Show

List Control

Customizable design properties:

  • Alignment
  • Always Show Selection
  • Border
  • Client Edge
  • Disabled
  • Edit Labels
  • Left Scrollbar
  • Modal Frame
  • No Column Header
  • No Scroll
  • Single Selection
  • Sort
  • Static Edge
  • Tabstop
  • View
  • Visible

Tagged Values:

  • Columns – string to initialize column names and sizes for this List Control, separated by semi-colons: for example, "Column1;100;Column2;150;"


  • AddString (string)
  • DeleteAll ()
  • DeleteItem (number) – delete item at specified index
  • DeleteString (string) – deletes all items matching the string
  • GetCount ()
  • GetString (number, number)
  • InsertItem (number, string)
  • InsertString (number, string)
  • SetString (number, number, string)


  • Enable
  • Selection – index of the currently selected item
  • Show

Progress Control

Customizable design properties:

  • Border
  • Client Edge
  • Disabled
  • Marquee
  • Modal Frame
  • Smooth
  • Static Edge
  • Tabstop
  • Vertical
  • Visible

Tagged Values:

  • Range – string specifying minimum and maximum values for this control, separated by a semi-colon: for example, "1;100"


  • Enable
  • Pos
  • Range
  • Show
  • Step

Radio Button

Customizable design properties:

  • Auto
  • Client Edge
  • Disabled
  • Flat
  • Group
  • Horizontal Alignment
  • Left Text
  • Modal Frame
  • Multiline
  • Static Edge
  • Tabstop
  • Vertical Alignment
  • Visible

Tagged Values:

  • OnChangeSelection – specifies a JavaScript command to be executed in response to a change in selection of this radio button


  • Checker – integer value [0|1]
  • Enable
  • Selection – integer value
  • Show

Slider Control

Customizable design properties:

  • Auto Tick
  • Border
  • Client Edge
  • Disabled
  • Enable Selection Range
  • Modal Frame
  • Orientation
  • Point
  • Static Edge
  • Tabstop
  • Tick Marks
  • Transparent
  • Transparent Background
  • Tooltips
  • Visible

Tagged Values:

  • Range – string specifying minimum and maximum values for this control, separated by a semi-colon: for example, "1;100"


  • Enable
  • PageSize
  • Pos
  • Range
  • Show

Spin Control

Customizable design properties:

  • Alignment
  • Arrow Keys
  • Auto Buddy
  • Client Edge
  • Disabled
  • Modal Frame
  • No Thousands
  • Orientation
  • Set Buddy Integer
  • Static Edge
  • Tabstop
  • Visible
  • Wrap

Tagged Values:

  • Range – string specifying minimum and maximum values for this control, separated by a semi-colon: for example, "1;100"


  • Enable
  • Pos
  • Range
  • Show

Static Text / Label

Customizable design properties:

  • Align Text
  • Border
  • Client Edge
  • Disabled
  • End Ellipsis
  • Modal Frame
  • Path Ellipsis
  • No Wrap
  • Notify
  • Path Ellipsis
  • Right Align Text
  • Simple
  • Static Edge
  • Sunken
  • Tabstop
  • Visible
  • Word Ellipsis


  • Enable
  • Show
  • Text

Tab Control

Customizable design properties:

  • Border
  • Bottom
  • Buttons
  • Client Edge
  • Disabled
  • Flat Buttons
  • Focus
  • Hot Track
  • Model Frame
  • Multiline
  • Right Align Text
  • Static Edge
  • Style
  • Tabstop
  • Tooltips
  • Visible

Tagged Values:

  • Tabs – string specifying names of each tab for this control, separated by a semi-colon: for example, "Tab 1;Tab 2;Tab 3;"


  • Enable
  • Show

Tree Control

Customizable design properties:

  • Always Show Selection
  • Border
  • Check Boxes
  • Client Edge
  • Disable Drag Drop
  • Disabled
  • Edit Labels
  • Full Row Select
  • Has Buttons
  • Has Lines
  • Horizontal Scroll
  • Left Scrollbar
  • Lines At Root
  • Modal Frame
  • Right Align Text
  • Right To Left Reading Order
  • Scroll
  • Single Expand
  • Static Edge
  • Tabstop
  • Tooltips
  • Track Select
  • Visible


  • Delete () - delete the specified TreeItem
  • InsertItem (string) - dotted path of the new tree item to be inserted; any parent items in this dotted path that do not yet exist will be created automatically
  • InsertString (string) - See InsertItem
  • TreeItem (string) - dotted path of the tree item to be accessed; use the Text property to set text for this tree item, or use the Delete operation to delete this item from the tree


  • Enable
  • Selection – string containing dotted path of the selected tree item
  • Show
  • Text – get or set text for a specified TreeItem



     dialog.MyDialog.MyTreeControl.TreeItem("Root.Parent.Child").Text = "Modified";

     dialog.MyDialog.MyTreeControl.Selection = "Root.Parent";
