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The TOGAF Extensions Menu

The MDG Technology for TOGAF menu provides a number of options for managing your TOGAF models.



Specialize > Addins > TOGAF




Show Framework Interface

Open the TOGAF Interface diagram of the model.

Insert New Framework Model

Create a new TOGAF template model under the selected Package.

Create FEAF - PRM

Create the Performance Reference Model specific to Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) – Version 2.3.

Create FEAF - TRM

Create the Technical Reference Model specific to Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) – Version 2.3.

Open Example Model

Load the example TOGAF model.

Synchronized Tagged Values

Add missing Tagged Values to all elements in the model that require them.

You can select this option:

  • Whenever you create a new element by any means other than directly dropping the element from the TOGAF Toolbox pages
  • Before using a new version of the Technology, to update the Tagged Values of elements in existing models to the latest version of the TOGAF profile


Open the TOGAF Help file.


Display the version information for the MDG Technology for TOGAF.


  • If the Add-Ins panel and/or the TOGAF sub-menu is not visible after installing the MDG Technology for TOGAF, try:
         -  Selecting the option 'Specialize > Add-Ins > Manage' and selecting the 'Load on Startup'
            checkbox on the TOGAF line of the 'Manage Add-Ins' dialog
         -  Resetting Enterprise Architect's menus using the option 'Start > View > Workspace >
            My Workspaces > My Ribbon Sets : Reset'

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