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Run Validation

After you have configured the validation you want to perform and set the validation rules to be applied, you can execute the validation on objects you have selected from either the Project Browser or a diagram. If you do not want to continue a validation you have started, you can cancel it.



Design > Package > Edit > Validation > Validate Current Package

Keyboard Shortcuts



While the validation executes it displays a progress window. When validation is complete, the results are displayed in the System Output window. You can highlight and select on a diagram the element that an error message refers to, by double-clicking on the error line in the System Output window.

Cancel Validation

At any time during a validation, either:

  • Click on the Cancel Validation button on the validation progress window, or
  • Select 'Design > Package > Edit > Validation > Cancel Current Validation'


  • If the System Output window does not automatically display, select 'Start > Explore > Browse > System Output'.

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