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Design > Impact > Gap Analysis


This Gap Analysis Matrix example is from the TOGAF Specification; it illustrates Gap Analysis for ABBs that are services from the Network Services category.

Using the Gap Analysis Matrix

The 'Filter' fields list all the stereotypes that can be shown in the matrix; use these fields to set a filter for each of the target and baseline Architectures.

After setting the filters, click on the button to the right of the 'Target Architecture' and 'Baseline Architecture' fields, and browse for and select the target Architecture Package and baseline Architecture Package.

Click on the Refresh button; the matrix lists the elements having the stereotypes you set in the 'Filter' fields. The target Architecture elements are listed horizontally as column headings, and the baseline Architecture elements are listed vertically as row titles.  If you double-click on the row or column headers containing the baseline or target elements, the corresponding 'Properties' dialog displays.

To locate an object in the Project Browser, right-click on it and select the 'Find in Project Browser' option.

In the cells at the intersection of the target element columns and baseline element rows, you can create and edit Gap Analysis Notes. To edit the notes double-click on the cell, or right-click and select the 'Edit Notes' option.

Any elements that are not in the target Architecture but are available in the baseline Architecture must be addressed as Gap elements in the last column, called 'Missing / Eliminated'. Any elements that are in the target Architecture but not in the baseline Architecture must be addressed as Gap elements in the last row, called 'New'.

In the example:

  • Broadcast Services and Shared Screen Services are present in the baseline Architecture but missing from the target Architecture; therefore, you must create appropriate Gap elements in the 'Missing / Eliminated' column, the last column of the matrix
  • Mailing List Services is not in the baseline Architecture but it is in the target Architecture, meaning that the service is a new one in the target Architecture and it must be procured or developed; you must create a corresponding Gap element in the 'New' row, the last row of the matrix


  • Locating the baseline/target element in the Project Browser with the Traceability Window and Element Browser open helps improve gap analysis, as it shows all the elements and details such as Tagged Values that are linked to the element; for example, if an Architecture Building Block (ABB) is missing in the target Architecture, you can see what other processes and tasks depend on this ABB and what processes are impacted, which can also help you to decide whether or not an ABB must be enhanced in the target Architecture

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