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Model Validation Rules
Errors are indicated by an error code of the format MVRxxnnnn where:
MVRxx0001 - activity
Error Message: The action has a missing or invalid activity (Required stereotype: <stereotypeList>)
The validation rule checks that stereotyped Action elements are owned by an Activity with the required stereotype.
Solution: Locate the Action in the Project Browser, locate an Activity with one of the named stereotypes (or their specializations) or create a new one, and drag the Action to the Activity.
Action Stereotypes |
Activity Stereotypes |
FunctionAction |
Function |
OperationalActivityAction |
OperationalActivity |
ServiceOperationAction |
Function |
ServiceOperationAction |
ServiceFunction |
MVRxx0002 - annotatedElement
Error Message: The note has an invalid annotated element (Required stereotype: <stereotype>)
This validation rule checks that stereotyped Note elements are attached (by a NoteLink connector) to an element with the required stereotype.
Solution: Attach the Note to an element with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations). You can do this by either dragging the opposite end of the NoteLink connector, or deleting the NoteLink connector and creating a new one with the Quick Linker.
Note Stereotypes |
Annotated Element Stereotypes |
Alias |
UPDMElement |
ArchitectureMetadata |
ArchitecturalDescription |
Definition |
UPDMElement |
StandardConfiguration |
CapabilityConfiguration |
StereotypeExtension |
UPDMElement |
MVRxx0003 - behavior
Error Message: The action has a missing or invalid behavior (Required stereotype: <stereotype>)
This validation rule checks that stereotyped CallBehaviorAction elements call a Behavior with the required stereotype.
Solution: Right-click on the Action and select Advanced | Set Behavioral Classifier, or press
, and select a behavior element with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).Action Stereotypes |
Behavior Stereotypes |
OperationalActivityAction |
OperationalActivity |
ServiceFunctionAction |
ServiceFunction |
MVRxx0004 - class
Error Message: The object does not have a valid owning class (Permitted values: <stereotypeList>)
This validation rule checks that stereotyped Property elements (Parts or attributes) are owned by a Class with the required stereotype.
Solution: Locate the property in the Project Browser, locate a Class with one of the named stereotypes (or their specializations) or create a new one, and drag the property to the Class.
Property Stereotypes |
Class Stereotypes |
Equipment |
OrganizationalResource |
HostedSoftware |
ResourceArtifact |
HumanResource |
CapabilityConfiguration |
NodeChild |
NodeParent |
NodeRole |
Node |
Part |
ResourceArtifact |
PostRole |
Organization |
ProblemDomain |
LogicalArchitecture |
ProtocolLayer |
Protocol |
ResourceComponent |
CapabilityConfiguration |
ResourceRole |
Resource |
StructuralPart |
EnterprisePhase |
SubOrganization |
Organization |
TemporalPart |
EnterprisePhase |
UsedConfiguration |
CapabilityConfiguration |
MVRxx0005 - classifier
Error Message: The object does not have a valid classifier (Permitted value: <stereotype>)
This validation rule checks that stereotyped instance elements (objects) are classified by elements with the required stereotypes.
Solution: Select the object, right-click it and select Advanced | Instance Classifier, or press
, and select a classifier element with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).Object Stereotypes |
Classifier Stereotypes |
ActualMeasurementSet |
MeasurementSet |
ActualOrganization |
Organization |
ActualPerson |
Person |
ActualPost |
Post |
ActualProject |
Project |
ActualProjectMilestone |
ProjectMilestoneType |
FieldedCapability |
CapabilityConfiguration |
MVRxx0006 - client
Error Message: The relationship does not have a valid client (Permitted values: <stereotypeList>)
This validation rule checks that, for stereotyped Dependency or Realization relationships, their client (source) elements have the required stereotypes.
Solution: Drag the end of the relationship without the arrowhead to an element with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).
Relationship Stereotypes |
Client Element Stereotypes |
ArbitraryRelationship |
HighLevelOperationalConcept |
ArchitecturalReference |
ArchitecturalDescription |
CompatibleWith |
Node |
DefinesArchitecture |
ArchitecturalDescription |
ExhibitsCapability |
Node |
Expose |
ServiceInterface |
FillsPost |
ActualPerson |
Forecast |
SubjectOfForecast |
ImplementsOperational |
SystemsElement |
MapsToCapability |
StandardOperationalActivity |
MilestoneSequence |
ActualProjectMilestone |
OwnsProcess |
ActualOrganizationalResource |
Performs |
Performer |
ProjectSequence |
ActualProject |
ProvidesCompetence |
Resource |
RealizesCapability |
Resource |
RealizesCapability |
ServiceInterface |
RequiresCompetence |
ResourceRole |
SameAs |
UPDMElement |
SupportsOperationalActivity |
ServiceInterface |
MVRxx0007 - constrainedElement
Error Message: The constraint has an invalid constrained element (Required stereotype: %s)
This validation rule checks that stereotyped Constraint elements are attached (by a NoteLink) to elements with the required stereotypes.
Solution: Attach the constraint to an element with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations). You can do this by either dragging the opposite end of the NoteLink connector, or by deleting the NoteLink connector and creating a new one using the Quick Linker.
Constraint Stereotypes |
Constrained Element Stereotypes |
OperationalConstraint |
SubjectOfOperationalConstraint |
ResourceConstraint |
SubjectOfResourceConstraint |
MVRxx0008 - endRoles
Error Message: The relationship does not have a valid end role (Permitted values: <stereotypeList>)
This validation rule checks that, for stereotyped Association or Connector relationships, the elements at both ends of the relationship have the required stereotypes.
Solution: Drag one or both ends of the relationship to elements with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).
Relationship Stereotypes |
End Element Stereotypes |
Needline |
NodeChild |
Needline |
NodePort |
ResourceConnector |
ResourcePort |
ResourceInterface |
ResourceRole |
MVRxx0009 - endType
Error Message: The relationship does not have a valid end type (Permitted values: <stereotypeList>)
This validation rule checks that, for stereotyped connectors, the elements (Objects or Parts) at both ends of the relationship are typed by the required stereotypes.
Solution: Drag one or both ends of the relationship to elements that have types with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).
Connector Stereotypes |
End Type Stereotypes |
EntityRelationship |
EntityItem |
Needline |
Node |
ResourceInterface |
Resource |
MVRxx000a - informationSource
Error Message: The relationship does not have a valid information source (Permitted values: <stereotypeList>)
This validation rule checks that stereotyped InformationFlow relationship source elements have the required stereotypes.
Solution: Drag the end of the information flow without the arrowhead to an element with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).
InformationFlow Stereotypes |
Source Element Stereotypes |
ActualOrganizationRelationship |
ActualOrganizationalResource |
Commands |
OrganizationalResource |
Controls |
OrganizationalResource |
OperationalExchange |
Node |
ResourceInteraction |
Resource |
MVRxx000b - informationTarget
Error Message: The relationship does not have a valid information target (Permitted values: <stereotypeList>)
This validation rule checks that stereotyped InformationFlow relationship target elements have the required stereotypes.
Solution: Drag the end of the information flow with the arrowhead to an element with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).
InformationFlow Stereotypes |
Target Element Stereotypes |
ActualOrganizationRelationship |
ActualOrganizationalResource |
Commands |
OrganizationalResource |
Controls |
OrganizationalResource |
OperationalExchange |
Node |
ResourceInteraction |
Resource |
MVRxx000c - ownedAttribute
Error Message: The element has an invalid attribute (Required stereotype: <stereotype>)
This validation rule checks that, for stereotyped Class elements, any attributes that they own have the required stereotypes.
Solution: Replace the attribute with one with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).
Class Stereotypes |
Attribute Stereotypes |
EntityItem |
EntityAttribute |
Environment |
EnvironmentProperty |
HighLevelOperationalConcept |
ConceptRole |
MeasurementSet |
Measurement |
ProjectMilestoneType |
ProjectTheme |
ServiceInterface |
ServiceAttribute |
MVRxx000d - ownedOperation
Error Message: The element has an invalid operation (Required stereotype: %s)
This validation rule checks that, for stereotyped Class elements, any operations that they own have the required stereotypes.
Solution: Replace the operation with one with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).
Class Stereotype |
Operation Stereotype |
ServiceInterface |
ServiceOperation |
MVRxx000e - ownedParameter
Error Message: The element has an invalid activity parameter (Required stereotype: %s)
This validation rule checks that, for stereotyped Activity elements, any ActivityParameter elements that they own have the required stereotypes.
Solution: Locate the ActivityParameter in the Project Browser and drag and drop it onto an element with the appropriate stereotype, and/or replace the ActivityParameter in its current owner with an ActivityParameter with the named stereotype.
Activity Stereotypes |
ActivityParameter Stereotypes |
Function |
FunctionParameter |
OperationalActivity |
OperationalParameter |
MVRxx000f - ownedPort
Error Message: The element has an invalid port (Required stereotypes: <stereotypeList>)
This validation rule checks that, for stereotyped Class elements, any Ports that they own have the required stereotypes.
Solution: Locate the Port in the Project Browser and drag and drop it onto an element with the appropriate stereotype, and/or replace the Port in its current owner with a Port with one of the named stereotypes.
Class Stereotypes |
Port Stereotypes |
Node |
NodePort |
Node |
RequestPoint |
Node |
ServicePoint |
Resource |
RequestPoint |
Resource |
ResourcePort |
Resource |
ServicePoint |
MVRxx0010 - source
Error Message: The relationship does not have a valid source (Permitted values: <stereotypeList>)
This validation rule checks that stereotyped ActivityEdge connector source elements have the required stereotypes.
Solution: Drag the end of the relationship without the arrowhead to an element with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).
ActivityEdge Stereotypes |
Source Element Stereotypes |
FunctionEdge |
ServiceOperationAction |
OperationalActivityEdge |
OperationalActivityAction |
MVRxx0011 - supplier
Error Message: The relationship does not have a valid supplier (Permitted values: <stereotypeList>)
This validation rule checks that stereotyped Dependency or Realization relationship supplier (target) elements have the required stereotypes.
Solution: Drag the end of the relationship with the arrowhead to an element with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).
Relationship Stereotypes |
Supplier Element Stereotypes |
ArbitraryRelationship |
HighLevelOperationalConcept |
ArchitecturalReference |
ArchitecturalDescription |
CompatibleWith |
ReferredLocation |
DefinesArchitecture |
EnterprisePhase |
ExhibitsCapability |
Capability |
Expose |
Capability |
FillsPost |
ActualPost |
Forecast |
SubjectOfForecast |
ImplementsOperational |
OperationalElement |
MapsToCapability |
Capability |
MilestoneSequence |
ActualProjectMilestone |
OwnsProcess |
OperationalActivity |
Performs |
PerformedActivity |
ProjectSequence |
ActualProject |
ProvidesCompetence |
Competence |
RealizesCapability |
Capability |
RealizesCapability |
Competence |
RequiresCompetence |
ExternalIndividual |
SameAs |
ExternalType |
SupportsOperationalActivity |
OperationalActivity |
MVRxx0012 - target
Error Message: The relationship does not have a valid target (Permitted values: <stereotypeList>)
This validation rule checks that stereotyped ActivityEdge connector target elements have the required stereotypes.
Solution: Drag the end of the relationship with the arrowhead to an element with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations).
ActivityEdge Stereotypes |
Target Element Stereotypes |
FunctionEdge |
ServiceOperationAction |
OperationalActivityEdge |
OperationalActivityAction |
MVRxx0013 - type
Error Message: The object does not have a valid type (Permitted value: <stereotype>)
This validation rule checks that stereotyped Property elements (Parts or attributes) have type elements with the required stereotypes.
Solution: For Parts, right-click on the Part and select 'Advanced | Set Property Type', or press Features window for the attribute and select a type element with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations) in the 'Type' field.
, and select a type element with the named stereotype (or one of its specializations). For attributes, open theProperty Stereotypes |
Type Element Stereotypes |
ConceptRole |
ConceptItem |
EnvironmentProperty |
EnvironmentalType |
Equipment |
ResourceArtifact |
FunctionParameter |
ResourceInteractionItem |
HostedSoftware |
Software |
HumanResource |
OrganizationalResource |
KnownResource |
Resource |
NodePort |
OperationalExchangeItem |
NodeRole |
Node |
OperationalParameter |
OperationalExchangeItem |
Part |
ResourceArtifact |
PostRole |
Post |
ProjectTheme |
ProjectThemeStatus |
ProtocolLayer |
Protocol |
RequestPoint |
ServiceInterface |
ResourceComponent |
ResourceArtifact |
ResourcePort |
ResourceInteractionItem |
ServicePoint |
ServiceInterface |
StructuralPart |
EnterprisePhase |
SubOrganization |
Organization |
TemporalPart |
EnterprisePhase |
UsedConfiguration |
CapabilityConfiguration |