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Start Event

A BPMN 2.0 Start Event indicates where a particular Process begins. Every Process in Enterprise Architect must begin with a Start Event.

BPEL Properties

  • Double-click on the Start Event in the BPEL diagram, or
  • Right-click on the Start Event | BPEL | BPEL 2.0 Properties




See also


Type the name for the Start Event.

Event Type

Select a trigger for the Start Event, namely:

  • Compensation
  • Conditional
  • Error
  • Escalation
  • Message
  • Multiple
  • None
  • Parallel Multiple
  • Signal
  • Timer

Details Tab

Depending on the selected Event Type, the 'Details' tab changes as shown:

  • Message Event Type
         -  Pool Package - Select the Package that represents one of the
             involved Participants
         -  Operation - Select an Operation from the list of operation(s)
             in the selected Pool Package
  • Timer Event Type
         -  Time Cycle - Specify the value for the time duration
         -  Time Date - Specify the value for the time date
  • Error Event Type
         -  Error - Select an Error element


(Optional) Select one or more Assignment elements created in the SupportingElements Package in this tab.

Assignment SupportingElements


Save the values entered in the dialog.


Discard the values entered in the dialog.


Display this Help topic.


Open the 'UML Properties' dialog.



  • Either set 'Time Cycle' or 'Time Date for Timer Event Type' but not both, as they are mutually exclusive fields
  • The 'Assignments' tab is not available on Start Events that are used to start an Event Sub-Process
  • Compensation, Error and Timer event types are valid only on an Event Sub-Process
  • Conditional, Escalation, Multiple, Parallel Multiple and Signal event types cannot be mapped to BPEL 2.0