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Influencers Page

Elements from the Influencers page of the Business Motivation Model Toolbox.

Influencers Toolbox




An Influencer element groups the elements influencing an Assessment. The Influencers are those that can impact the enterprise in its employment of Means or achievement of its Ends. This impact has influence that is judged in Assessments.

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External Influencer

An External Influencer element groups the elements having an external influence on an Assessment. External Influencers are those outside an enterprise's organizational boundaries that can impact its employment of Means or achievement of Ends.

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Internal Influencer

An Internal Influencer element groups the elements having an internal influence on an Assessment. Internal Influencers are those from within an enterprise that can impact its employment of Means or achievement of Ends.

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An Assumption element captures the assumptions made in information manipulation; assumptions are items of information taken for granted or without proof.

Tagged Values – ID, Rationale, Statement, Type


An External Influencer that is an individual or enterprise posing a challenge to the subject enterprise.

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Corporate Value

An ideal, custom or institution that an enterprise promotes or agrees with (either positive or negative).

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An External Influencer as an individual or enterprise that has investigated, ordered, received or paid for products or services from the subject enterprise.

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An Environment element is the aggregate of surrounding conditions or Influencers affecting the existence or development of an enterprise.

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A customary practice or use.

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An Internal Influencer forming the basic underlying framework or features of a system.

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A point in question or a matter that is in dispute as between contending partners.

Management Prerogative

A right or privilege exercised by virtue of ownership or position in an enterprise.

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An External Influencer as an enterprise that shares risks and profit with the subject enterprise (or is associated with the subject enterprise to share risks and profit) because this is mutually beneficial.

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Defines and guides the organization, for use of all assets and resources across the enterprise. Each Principle should be linked to the relevant business objective and key architecture drivers.

Tagged Values – ID, Implications, Rationale, Statement, Type, Version


An External Influencer as an order prescribed by an authority such as a government body or the management of an enterprise.

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An internal Influencer as a resource available for carrying out the business of an enterprise, applying its influence especially by way of its quality.

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An External Influencer as the role of technology, including its developments and limitations — there could be  prerequisites for use of technology, or an enterprise activity that technology enables or restricts.

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Captures the actors interested and involved in the enterprise.

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Defines the standards followed in the enterprise.

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An External Influencer as an individual or enterprise that can furnish or provide products or services to the subject enterprise.

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