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Base Templates for DDL Generation

The DDL Template Framework consists of a number of base templates for DDL Generation. Each base template generates a DDL statement (or a partial statement) for a particular aspect of the UML data model.


This table lists and briefly describes the base templates used for DDL generation.



DDL Check Constraint

Invoked by the DDL Table Constraint template to generate the Check Constraint statements for a Table object.

DDL Column Comment

Normally invoked by the DDL Create Table Extras template to generate COMMENT ON statements (or equivalent) for each Table column.

DDL Column Definition

Invoked by numerous templates to build the statement to create a single Table column, as it appears in the CREATE TABLE statement.

DDL Column Extras

Normally invoked by the DDL Create Table Extras template to generate any extended column properties for each Table column.

DDL Constraint Column Name

Invoked by each of the constraint templates to retrieve the correctly formatted column names involved in the current constraint.

DDL Constraint Comment

Normally invoked by the DDL Create Table Extras template to generate COMMENT ON statements (or equivalent) for each Table constraint.

DDL Create Foreign Keys

Invoked by the DDL Create Table Constraints template to generate Foreign Key constraints for a Table object.

DDL Create Function

Invoked by the DDL Script File template to generate the CREATE FUNCTION statement for a Function object.

DDL Create Package

Invoked by the DDL Script File template to generate the CREATE PACKAGE statements for a Package object (Oracle only).

DDL Create Procedure

Invoked by the DDL Script File template to generate the CREATE PROCEDURE statement for a Procedure object.

DDL Create Schema

Currently not used.

DDL Create Sequence

Invoked by the DDL Script File template to generate the CREATE SEQUENCE statement for a Sequence object.

DDL Create Table

Invoked by the DDL Script File template to generate the CREATE TABLE statement for a Table object.

DDL Create Table Constraints

Invoked by the DDL Script File template to generate Table constraints and Indexes for a Table object.

DDL Create Table Extras

Invoked by the DDL Script File template to generate extended Table properties for a Table object.

DDL Create View

Invoked by the DDL Script File template to generate the CREATE VIEW statement for a View object.

DDL Data Type

Invoked by the DDL Column Definition template to generate the correctly formatted data type statement for a Table column.

DDL Drop Column Extras

Invoked by the DDL Drop Table Extras template to generate any specialized drop statements for column extended properties.

DDL Drop Foreign Keys

Invoked by the DDL Script File template to generate the statements to DROP all Foreign Keys for a Table object.

DDL Drop Function

Invoked by the DDL Script File template to generate the DROP FUNCTION statement for a Function object.

DDL Drop Procedure

Invoked by the DDL Script File template to generate the DROP PROCEDURE statement for a Procedure object.

DDL Drop Sequence

Invoked by the DDL Script File template to generate the DROP SEQUENCE statement for a Sequence object.

DDL Drop Table

Invoked by the DDL Script File template to generate the DROP TABLE statement for a Table object.

DDL Drop Table Extras

Invoked by the DDL Script File template to generate the statements to DROP all extended properties for a Table object.

DDL Drop View

Invoked by the DDL Script File template to generate the DROP VIEW statement for a View object.

DDL Foreign Constraint

Invoked by the DDL Table Constraint template to generate the ADD FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT statements for a Table object.

DDL Grant

Invoked by the DDL Create Table Extras template to generate the GRANT statement for the current object (Oracle only).

DDL Index

Invoked by the DDL Table Constraint template to generate the CREATE INDEX statements for a Table object.

DDL Left Surround

Used to define the character (or characters) used as the left-hand delimiter on the name of an object (or object component).

DDL Name

Used by most templates to provide a common way of formatting the name of an object (or object feature). This template accepts four parameters:

  • Object Location (values: EA or ODBC)
  • Include Owner flag; controls if the name should be prefixed by the Owner name (values: INCLUDE_OWNER or {blank})
  • Include Surround flag; controls if the name should be delimited by the left and right surround characters (values: INCLUDE_SURROUND or {blank})

DDL Primary Constraint

Invoked by the DDL Table Constraint template to generate the ADD PRIMARY KEY CONSTRAINT statement for a Table object.

DDL Reference Column Name

Normally invoked by the DDL Name templates to retrieve the correctly formatted reference column names involved in a Foreign Key.

DDL Reference Definition

Invoked by the DDL Foreign Constraint template to generate the ON DELETE/ON UPDATE statements for a Foreign Key constraint.

DDL Right Surround

Used to define the character (or characters) used as the right-hand delimiter on the name of an object (or object component).

DDL Script File

A top-level template to generate DDL; all other templates are invoked from this one.

DDL Script Header

Invoked by the DDL Script File template to add a header comment at the start of each DDL file.

DDL Script Separator

Used by all templates that must include a statement separator in the generated DDL.

DDL Statement Term

Used to define the character (or characters) used as the statement terminator. For example, semi-colon (';') for most DBMSs.

DDL Statement Term Alt

Used to define the character (or characters) used as the alternative statement terminator. For example, some DBMSs must have the statement terminator changed in order to not cause problems with DDL statements generated for SQL-based objects, such as Views and Procedures.

DDL Synonym

Invoked by the DDL Create Table Extras template to generate the CREATE SYNONYMS statement (Oracle only).

DDL Table Constraint

Invoked by the DDL Create Table Constraints template to generate the Table constraints and Indexes for each Table object, taking into account the generation options.

DDL Table Level Comment

Invoked by the DDL Create Table Extras template to generate COMMENT ON statements (or the equivalent) for an object.

DDL Trigger

Invoked by the DDL Table Constraint template to generate the CREATE TRIGGER statements for a Table object.

DDL Unique Constraint

Invoked by the DDL Table Constraint template to generate the ADD UNIQUE CONSTRAINT statements for a Table object.

DDL Use Database

Invoked by the DDL Script File template to include a USE DATABASE statement at the start of each DDL file.