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Constraint Field Macros

This table lists the macros that are available in DDL templates to access constraint-related fields, where (in Enterprise Architect) the fields are editable, such as 'Constraint Name' and 'Constraint Type'.


'Columns and Constraints' dialog: 'Constraints' tab: 'Alias' cell.


'Columns and Constraints' dialog: 'Constraints' tab: 'Involved Columns: Assigned' list.


'Columns and Constraints' dialog: 'Constraints' tab: 'Involved Columns: Assigned' list.


'Columns and Constraints' dialog: 'Constraints' tab: 'Notes' text field.


'Columns and Constraints' dialog: 'Constraints' tab: 'Name' cell.


Only relevant if the current constraint has a type of Primary Key, this macro will return a count of assigned columns to the Primary Key.

'Columns and Constraints' dialog: 'Constraints' tab: 'Involved Columns: Assigned' list.


Only relevant if the current constraint has a type of Foreign Key, this macro will return the column alias from the reference table.

'Columns and Constraints' dialog: 'Constraints' tab: 'Alias' cell.


Only relevant if the current constraint has a type of Foreign Key, this macro will return the column name from the reference table.

Foreign Key 'Constraint' dialog: 'Involved Columns' list: 'Parent' column.


Only relevant if the current constraint has a type of Foreign Key, this macro will return the reference table's alias.

Table 'Properties' dialog: 'Main' tab: 'Alias' text field.


Only relevant if the current constraint has a type of Foreign Key, this macro will return the reference table's name.

Foreign Key 'Constraint' dialog: 'Involved Columns' list: 'Parent' column header.


Only relevant if the current constraint has a type of Foreign Key, this macro will return the reference table's owner.

Foreign Key 'Constraint' dialog: 'Involved Columns' list: 'Parent' column header.


The column names involved in the current constraint read in from the live database.

Note: this field is not editable directly in Enterprise Architect.


The Constraint Name property read in from the live database.

Note: this field is not editable directly in Enterprise Architect.


The Constraint Type property read in from the live database.

Note: this field is not editable directly in Enterprise Architect.