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BPMN Pages

The BPMN Toolbox pages provide the graphical (Core) and non-graphical (Types) Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) elements for use on Business Process diagrams through the Zachman Framework Technology. Specifications of these elements and relationships are defined by Tagged Values.

BPMN Toolbox



Business Process

Defines a business process; an extension of a composite Activity.


Defines an activity within a business process.

Start Event

Defines the initiating event in a process.

Intermediate Event

Defines an intermediate event in a process.

End Event

Defines the terminating event in a process.


Defines a decision point in a business process. If a condition is true, then processing continues one way; if not, then another.


Logically organizes an Activity; an extension of a Partition element.


Subdivides a Pool; an extension of a Partition element.

Data Object

Defines a physical piece of information used or produced by a system; an extension of an Artifact element.


Groups a number of other elements; an extension of a Boundary element.

Text Annotation

A comment.

Sequence Flow

Defines the flow of an activity; an extension of a Control Flow relationship.

Message Flow

Defines the flow of communications in a process; an extension of a Control Flow relationship.


Associates information and artifacts with flow objects.


Defines a message; an extension of a Class element.


Defines a participant in an activity; an extension of a Class element.


Defines business rule statements; an extension of a Class element.


Defines a transaction in an activity; an extension of a Class element.

Web Service

Defines a web service; an extension of a Class element.


Assigns a property to an element; an extension of an attribute.


  • Enterprise Architect is delivered with the BPMN Technologies (for BPMN 1.0. 1.1 and 2.0) automatically installed, providing BPMN profiles and Toolboxes separate from this Zachman version; to make even further use of BPMN facilities, download the BPMN Add-In from: